How do we select countries for Money from Sweden?
There are 35 countries in Money from Sweden’s price comparison service. Countries are allocated priority based on our criteria.
Criteria for adding a country
A country is added to our price comparison service if:
it is a low- and middle-income country according to the OECD/DAC definition (a DAC country)
a large community from this country lives in Sweden.
The list of DAC countries on the OECD website
Do you want to send money to a country that is not listed?
If a country does not currently meet our criteria, it cannot be included in the service. If this situation changes, further countries may be added. For example, if a community group in Sweden increases or decreases or if the DAC list is updated.
We suggest you research the market yourself and compare different companies. Fees and conditions can vary a great deal.
I want to compare pricesSource: Konsumentverket